Passive Verbs‏‎ in English

To make a verb passive, we use the verb be conjugated in the same tense used in the active voice‏‎ and change the main verb into the past participle. These are the main patterns used: Simple Tenses {be} + {Past Participle} active Eric kisses Amanda. passive Amanda is kissed by […]

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Passive Two Objects‏‎ in English Grammar

The most common sentence‏‎ structure in English‏‎ is SVO‏‎ or {subject} + {verb} + {object} Lucy + baked + a cake. As you can see, it has just one object. However, sometimes a sentence will have two objects which are known as the direct object and the indirect object: {subject} […]

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Paragraphs in English Writing

A paragraph is a collection of one or more sentences‏‎. It is used to group ideas in a piece of writing or text. A paragraph, then, is part of the structure of a text: 1 or more words > 1 or more sentences > 1 or more paragraphs = text […]

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Oxford Comma‏‎s in English Punctuation

The Oxford Comma (sometimes known as the Serial Comma or the Harvard Comma) causes a lot of debate and controversy in grammatical circles. On the one hand is British English where a list of items in a sentence are separated by commas unless there is a coordinating conjunction (usually and […]

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Objects in English Grammar

In an English sentence usually the subject of a sentence‏‎ does something to an object. The object is the thing or person which is affected by the subject and the verb‏‎. Patricia ate the cake. The subject of this sentence is Patricia. She is the ‘star actor’. The verb is […]

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