Adverbial Clauses‏‎ in English Grammar

An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause‏‎ that act as the adverb in a sentence. It normally answers the questions: how, when, where, how much. We can join two clauses using a simple conjunction. She heard the door open while she was watching television. The second clause can be turned […]

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Active Voice in English Grammar

When the subject performs the action described by the verbs we talk about sentences in the Active Voice. By voice grammarians mean a grammatical category that shows whether the subject of a sentence is an actor or a recipient. In the active voice the subject is an actor. If the […]

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Zero Article in English Grammar

The Zero Article does not exist. But it is very useful nonetheless. Talking about the zero article is useful when we’re describing how to use articles‏‎. But essentially when we talk about the zero article we mean that we do not use any article in front of a noun. In […]

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Who vs Whom in English Grammar

Who vs Whom often comes up and sometimes causes confusion. This article explains the difference between these two. Who and whom are both pronouns‏‎ and while they mean the same thing (a person or group of people) they are grammatically different. Subjects vs Objects The subject of a sentence‏‎ is […]

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What is a Subordinating Conjunction?

Let me start by saying that I think the name Subordinating Conjunction is wrong. It doesn’t really describe what they do. When we use one of these so-called subordinating conjunctions we’re not saying they make a phrase subordinate to another; we’re saying they make a phrase need another. A bit […]

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