Sticky Fingers – is a noun countable or non-countable?

Sticky Fingers is a simple way to demonstrate to your class whether a noun is countable or non-countable. The idea here is that you begin by telling your class whether a noun is countable or non-countable. Then you have a visual sign for this along with telling them. Then you […]

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Stative & Dynamic Verbs‏‎ in English

We can group verbs in different ways. One method is to divide them into Stative Verbs and Dynamic Verbs. Briefly, verbs which refer to a static or unchanging state or condition are called stative and verbs which talk about a moving or changeable condition are known as dynamic (or sometimes […]

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Split Infinitives in English Grammar

Split Infinitives are a construction in English‏‎ when the infinitive of a verb‏‎ is cut in half by another word. For example: Infinitive: to see Split Infinitive: to barely see The infinitive is most often split by an adverb‏‎ or adverbial phrase‏‎. I attempted to carefully remove the plug. She […]

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Speak an Adverb‏‎

Speak an Adverb is a way to have your students practice different kinds of intonation‏‎ and language register‏‎ in English and also to help them become aware of the importance they play in speaking‏‎. A short amount of preparation is enough for different versions of the game and with right […]

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Singular and Plural Nouns in English Grammar

A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. A singular noun refers to 1 only; a plural noun refers to 2 or more. There are two things to note about singular and plural nouns. The first is that they change their form depending on whether they are […]

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