The world of teaching English is full of acronyms‏‎. One question which pops up all the time is: what is the difference between TEFL and TESOL and TESL and CELTA and… and also: should I get a TEFL certificate or a TESOL certificate? This article explains what these terms means […]

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TEFL Certificates to Teach English

A TEFL Certificate is the basic qualification you need to teach English as a foreign language or teach English as a second language. This means, if you want to teach English abroad, you’ll need a TEFL certificate. In addition, many jobs also require a degree (however, if you don’t have […]

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Taking a Teacher Training Course

Taking a TEFL or TESOL Teacher Training Course is part and parcel of training to teach English‏‎. Thousands of potential teachers take a short TEFL Course and this article offers some basic advice on how to approach the course and how to get the most out of it. Grammar & […]

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Qualify to Teach English in Greece

Teach English in Greece with the IWeb TEFL Certificate Course To teach in Greece you need: to have a degree (a BA/BSc in almost any subject is fine) to have a TEFL Certificate like the our TEFL Certificate The IWeb TEFL Certificate Course will give you a thorough grounding in […]

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PGCE‏‎ or TEFL for Teaching English Abroad

One frequently asked question is this: should I take a PGCE and/or a TEFL Certificate to teach English abroad? This article answers that question and offers the best advice on what you should do when you’re given that choice. It looks at what the PGCE is, how they are seen […]

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