Just the Facts

Just the Facts is a simple game where students practice speaking‏‎ and listening‏‎. It’s fun, too, and can be used as a warm up activity to introduce a particular topic in the lesson. If done in this way, it will also help introduce students to a new area of study […]

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Just a Minute – Speaking Activity

Just a Minute is a very popular British radio quiz game which is ideal for the TEFL classroom and great for practicing speaking skills. It’s very simple to prepare and great fun to play. Best for small groups but it can be played with larger groups if you prepare it […]

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Jigsaw Reading in TEFL

Jigsaw Reading is a common reading technique. The name comes from the way in which jigsaw puzzles are put together: several pieces slotted into the right place to build up the complete picture. Essentially you divide the text into small parts. Each part is given to a different student who […]

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Irregular Threes

Irregular Threes is a quick game to practice and remember Irregular Verbs- it’s ideal for a younger class: it’s noisy, chaotic, energetic and great fun, too! (There are some quieter versions of this game at the bottom of the page, however!) Running the Game Firstly go over a few irregular […]

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IPA Decode!

IPA Decode is a great game to play with the class which helps them understand and use the IPA or International Phonetic Alphabet. It can be used with a reasonably proficient class who are familiar with the IPA already and who would benefit from a little more practice. Preparation Firstly […]

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