Scottish English Teacher (TEFAL)

This clip comes from the British Comic Relief show (a yearly show designed to raise money for charity) where Katherine Tate as a surly teenager cross examines her new Scottish English teacher and then moves on to Shakespeare.    

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Rosetta Stone (CALL Software)

Rosetta Stone is the name of proprietary piece of software for language learning. The name comes from the Rosetta Stone, a large carved stone from Ancient Egypt‏‎ with a single text in 3 languages which was used as an aid to translation. The principle of the Rosetta Stone software is […]

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Quotations (TEFAL)

Here are some poignant quotes about TEFAL teaching. I took a TEFAL course to get a handle on this pan-dimensional subject.   I got a job teaching TEFAL in China but just couldn’t stick it out.   TEFAL is often panned as a job   Occasionally there’s a sticky situation […]

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Quick Edit

Quick Edit is a simple CALL‏‎ activity which lets students work together in writing texts. It helps with critical reading and also allows peer checking which means grammar, spelling and vocabulary checks. Essentially it is a form of Peer Correction. Note that although this is presented as a CALL activity, […]

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