Email in the TEFL/TESOL Classroom

I’m an online English teacher here’s an idea I’m experimenting with. I’ve got 3 online students I teach. One is in China, the second in Poland‏‎ and the third in Italy. Until last week they’d never even heard about each other, they’d just dealt with me online (sending emails, having […]

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Dropbox for TEFL Teachers

Dropbox is a simple – and free – method of keeping your files up to date between your computer, laptop and smartphone. It’s incredibly useful for English teachers (amongst others) in many ways, not least because it means you can work on materials at home and have them instantly available […]

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Crossword Compiler‏‎s in English Language Teaching

A Crossword Compiler is a program which allows you to produce crosswords for the class – or have your students produce them for each other. There are a number on the market which include features such as: alternative layouts easy printing and/or publishing automatic grid filling In using crossword compilers […]

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A concordancer is a computer program which examines a large collection of texts and then retrieves examples matching a particular search string. This is known as KWIC or keyword in context. They are particularly useful for working out patterns and examples of language usage and can be used very effectively […]

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Chatroom Lesson‏‎ for your TEFL Class

The following is a basic chatroom lesson you can use with your CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) class. Ideally this is best with a class who all know each other fairly well. Preparation First off, prepare a list with all the names of the students in the class. Then, before […]

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