BINGO (Learn It) Lyrics and Actions

BINGO (Learn It) Lyrics and Actions ♫ There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name-o. [Pat your legs to the rhythm.] B-I-N-G-O [Point to the letter picture cards.] B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o. [Pat your legs to the rhythm.] (Place one of the “clapping […]

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Open Shut Them (And Other Opposites) Lyrics and Actions

Open Shut Them (And Other Opposites) Lyrics and Actions ♫ Open shut them, open shut them. [Open and shut your hands.] Give a little clap, clap, clap. [Clap.] Open shut them, open shut them. Put them in your lap, lap, lap. [Pat your legs.] Big and small. Big and small. […]

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Hello Hello! Lyrics and Actions

Hello Hello! Lyrics and Actions ♫ Hello, hello. [Wave one hand, then the other hand.] Can you clap your hands? [Clap.] Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Can you stretch up high? [Stretch towards the ceiling.] Can you touch your toes? [Bend down and touch your toes.] Can you […]

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See You Later, Alligator Lyrics and Actions

See You Later, Alligator Lyrics and Actions ♫ Goodbye, goodbye. [Wave your right hand, then your left hand.] It’s time to go. [Point to your watch.] Goodbye, goodbye. I don’t want to go. [Shake your head “no” and wave your hand in front of your face.] See you later. [Look […]

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Count Down And Move Lyrics and Actions

Count Down And Move Lyrics and Actions ♫ Let’s count down from twenty! Are you ready? Here we go! Twenty! Nineteen! Eighteen! Seventeen! Sixteen! Fifteen! Fourteen! Thirteen! Twelve! Eleven! Ten! Nine! [The music quiets down here, sing quietly or whisper. If you are marching, start tip-toeing.] Eight. Seven. Six. Five. […]

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