
Wipeout is a simple end-of-class activity which is good for practicing pronunciation and speaking. It is a good activity for low level classes and can be used from beginners up. It’s better with smaller classes but with a little variation can be used for large classes as well. Start by […]

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Who-What-Where-When-Why-How is a TEFL game based on the popular board game, Cluedo. The game is ideal for practicing speaking and listening. It is particularly good for formulating and practicing questions and, above all, it can be adapted very easily for different themes and cultures making it very flexible and suitable […]

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Who’s Lying Now?

Who’s Lying Now? is a gameshow type of activity which encourages question and answers from students. It is based on similar television shows and require little or no preparation. The activity can be used for intermediate and above classes, from teenage to adult. Running the Activity Tell the class about […]

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Who Am I?

Who Am I? is a fun warmup or icebreaker game which can be used to practice simple questions and answers. Preparation Using small cards, write on each one the name of a famous person known to the class, for example: Barack Obama Lady Gaga David Beckham John Lennon Einstein Harry […]

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What’s Missing?

What’s Missing? is a very simple extra activity you can play with any set of flashcards you use. Quite simply, whenever you use flashcards in class, save this for a quick 5 minute activity at the end just go over the vocabulary you’ve been practicing. It requires no preparation and […]

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