Lawyer Talking is a simple activity which allows students to practice making questions and then using the third person. With a small adaptation it can also be used to practice reported speech. In Class Preparation Get the class into pairs and have them write up 3 or 4 questions on […]
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Kim’s Game is a simple (and classic) game which can be played to help memorize a group of objects. As such it’s a good game to help students learn vocabulary, especially objects within a certain semantic field. Note that in general this works better with concrete nouns. Preparation First off, […]
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The word Karaoke means empty orchestra from the Japanese Kara = empty and Oke (short for Okesutora) = orchestra. Karaoke tracks are without lead vocals. The lead vocals are provided by the performer singing the Karaoke song through a microphone. The song is played in the background and the words […]
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Just the Facts is a simple game where students practice speaking and listening. It’s fun, too, and can be used as a warm up activity to introduce a particular topic in the lesson. If done in this way, it will also help introduce students to a new area of study […]
Continue ReadingJust a Minute – Speaking Activity
Just a Minute is a very popular British radio quiz game which is ideal for the TEFL classroom and great for practicing speaking skills. It’s very simple to prepare and great fun to play. Best for small groups but it can be played with larger groups if you prepare it […]
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