Word Frequency‏‎ in English

Word Frequency is listing words‏‎ according to how popular they are in the language. The method of determining the list is by taking a corpus‏‎ of language and simply counting the words in it and how often each one is used. This usually brings up the following as the most […]

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What is a Lexeme?

LEXEME is the term used in Linguistics‏‎ to refer to a word (a minimal unit of language) with a distinctive meaning (a semantic value) and often a specific cultural concept attached to it. banana, love, animal, run These are all lexemes. Lexemes can be seen as the basic elements of […]

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Vocabulary‏‎ and TEFL

The Vocabulary is the collection of words‏‎ in a language. In English there are estimated to be roughly 1,000,000 words in the language; this is a huge increase on the 50,000 words available in Old English. These words are generally derived from one of several main sources: Germanic (including Old […]

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Vocabulary Poker – Vocabulary Activity

Vocabulary Poker is a great game for practicing vocabulary and semantic fields. It’s easy to play and great fun for the students. Although it can be played by beginners, it’s probably best for intermediate and advanced students. NB in some countries it may be culturally inappropriate to use a term […]

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Varieties of English Spelling

There are several major varieties of English‏‎: American, British, Australian and so on. This article looks at differences in spelling between these. It is a general guide which covers the majority of cases, however remember that there are exceptions which will need to be taught to your TEFL class on […]

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