Do Spiders Sleep?

Do spiders sleep? Study suggests they may snooze like humans It’s a question that keeps some scientists awake at night: Do spiders sleep?   Daniela Roessler and her colleagues trained cameras on baby jumping spiders at night to find out. The footage showed patterns that looked a lot like sleep […]

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Episode of ‘Sesame Street’ Allegedly Removed for Being Too Scary

An episode of “Sesame Street,” allegedly removed from syndication for being too frightening for children, has been posted to social media sites like YouTube and Reddit. The episode stars Margaret Hamilton, who revives her role as the Wicked Witch of the West from “The Wizard of Oz.” The plot also […]

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Russians Line Up for McDonald’s as It Leaves

Long lines are forming outside of McDonald’s restaurants in Russia ahead of the company’s nationwide exit, mirroring a time when eager consumers first gathered for the fast-food chain’s arrival in Moscow over 30 years ago. McDonald’s announced this week that it will sell its 850 restaurants in Russia due to […]

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Overstaying in China, Penalty, Punishment, Fine, How to Solve

Overstaying, also called illegal residence, means that one remains in a country after his/her visa or residence permit has expired. If an alien’s total length of stay in China exceeds the appointed time on the visa, it will be deemed to have overstayed the visa. For instance, if a foreigner […]

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Crimes Committed on the Moon

Crimes Committed on the Moon Could Be Punishable By Canadian Law Canada may amend its criminal code to specifically account for misdemeanors on the lunar surface. Canadian lawmakers have passed an amendment to be able to prosecute people who commit crimes on the Moon. NASA’s Artemis endeavor might finally bring […]

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