Teach and Travel as an English Teacher Abroad

Do you want to travel the world? Experience what other cultures have to offer? Visit the greatest sights on Earth? Well English teachers working abroad get to do that. As a teacher you can work right across the world and experience some incredible places and cultures. Quite simply this article […]

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Shanghai Favorite for Expats in China

Shanghai (Hu for short, also known as Shen) has again topped the list of preferred cities in China for expats. The survey was published by the Beijing magazine International Talent Monthly and the China Association for International Exchange of Personnel. Some 72,000 expats participated in the annual survey and again, […]

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English the Most Influential Language

A new study has mapped the global influence of different languages and as a surprise to absolutely no one, English comes out as the most important and influential language. Russia, somewhat more surprisingly, comes in second with other languages following up well behind. The data was collected by researchers at […]

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On Foot vs By Foot

Oh language! Do we want to go down the route of there being no rules, just a few nebulous suggestions which change over time? Are we like the freethinking parents at sports day who declare that every child wins because they are all special? Or are we on the side […]

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Make or Do a Presentation?

I was asked this question the other day by a learner of English; quite simply, do we MAKE or DO a presentation? If you go online there are different stories, but as usual I went along to Google n-grams and checked out what they had to say. It’s interesting. Prior […]

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