
Please… whatever else you do… spell GRAMMAR with an A at the end and not an E. GRAMM A R – yes GRAMM E R – no According to Google, a search for ‘grammer’ brings up over 4 million hits. Google results for GRAMMER However, things seem to be getting […]

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German Shitstorms are not Vulgar…

An interesting sideline to the eternal debate about taboo words‏‎. The BBC reports that the English term, shitstorm, considered by many to be vulgar and not a word to be used in public as such, has entered the German‏‎ vocabulary. However, it has entered as a perfectly acceptable term and, […]

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‘Capitol’ or ‘Capital’

Explaining the difference What to Know: Capitol has a rather narrow meaning referring to a building or group of buildings in which a legislative body meets and performs the functions of government. Capital has a wide range of meanings: as an adjective, it can mean “important,” “relating to the seat […]

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Pay > Paid vs Payed

What is the past form of pay? This often causes problems for students. The verb‏‎ pay means to give money to someone and it is usually an irregular verb. I pay $15 each month for my internet connection. Last month I paid $15 for my internet connection. I have paid […]

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Sesame Street’s Coronavirus Town Hall For The Holidays

CNN partnered with Sesame Street for their fifth town hall to show families how to stay healthy during the holidays — while still having fun — during the Covid-19 pandemic. The hour-long special, “The ABC’s of Covid 19: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Families” aired on Saturday morning and […]

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