How to Play Chess

Chess is a very popular two-player strategy game thought to have originated in India many centuries ago. To win the game, you must “checkmate” your opponent by moving your pieces such that the opponent’s king faces a threat of capture that can’t be eliminated. Although it has a set of […]

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How to Write a Short Story

For many writers, the short story is the perfect medium. It is a refreshing activity. For many, it is as natural as breathing is to lungs. While writing a novel can be a Herculean task, just about anybody can craft—and, most importantly, finish—a short story. Writing a novel can be […]

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Mysterious ‘Time Cohort’ Cancer Cluster

‘A cancer cluster is defined as a greater-than-expected number of cancer cases that occurs within a group of people in a geographic area over a period of time’   The Township of Woodbridge is investigating a medical mystery of more than 100 cases of brain tumors linked to alumni and […]

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Kindergartner Brings Tequila to School and Shares It

Michigan kindergartner brings tequila to school and shares with classmates Some parents are outraged after learning a kindergartner brought alcohol to school and shared it with classmates. According to NBC 15, the Michigan student shared a bottle of Jose Cuervo mix with 10% alcohol content with four students at Grand […]

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University to Pay $400,000 to Professor

University to Pay $400,000 to Professor Punished for Refusing to Use Student’s Preferred Pronouns Shawnee State University in Ohio has reached a settlement with a professor whom it punished for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns, according to a new report. The university will pay philosophy professor Nick […]

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