Varieties of English

Varieties of English are the different kinds of English used around the world. Often these are geographically based. The varieties are more or less similar and while most English speakers can understand each other, there are occasional problems. The four people in the picture (Whoopi Goldberg, Kylie Minogue, the Queen […]

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Slang in TEFL

Slang is the use of informal words‏‎ and expressions to describe something or someone. Slang is vocabulary‏‎ that is meant to be interpreted quickly but not necessarily literally. Slang changes fast; here are examples of current 2015 slang which, could well be out of date by the time you read […]

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Principle vs Principal

At the —– School of English, we believe in the principals of accuracy, hard work and having fun. I came across this snippet the other day whilst looking at a school website and it frightened me. If they can’t spell properly, how can they believe in the idea of accuracy? […]

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Non Sequiturs in English

Non Sequitur is a Latin phrase we use in English which means it does not follow. It is mainly used to describe a statement which has nothing to do with what was said before. For example, this is logical and sensible. Socrates was a man. All men are mortal. Therefore […]

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Please… whatever else you do… spell GRAMMAR with an A at the end and not an E. GRAMM A R – yes GRAMM E R – no According to Google, a search for ‘grammer’ brings up over 4 million hits. Google results for GRAMMER However, things seem to be getting […]

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