Who vs Whom in English Grammar

Who vs Whom often comes up and sometimes causes confusion. This article explains the difference between these two. Who and whom are both pronouns‏‎ and while they mean the same thing (a person or group of people) they are grammatically different. Subjects vs Objects The subject of a sentence‏‎ is […]

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Split Infinitives in English Grammar

Split Infinitives are a construction in English‏‎ when the infinitive of a verb‏‎ is cut in half by another word. For example: Infinitive: to see Split Infinitive: to barely see The infinitive is most often split by an adverb‏‎ or adverbial phrase‏‎. I attempted to carefully remove the plug. She […]

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All About Shall (vs Will)

When we talk about the future, most often we’ll use words like will or be going to: They will arrive tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to see the match. However, there is an alternative: shall. These days, people often talk about shall as though it’s on its way out and that […]

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Units of Measurement in English

Units of Measurement are used to talk about quantity. Common units include: length: meter, mile, kilometer… weight: pound, stone, kilogram… liquid: liter, gallon… Singular & Plural Units of measurement usually have a singular and plural form: I’ve lived here 1 year. That wall is 3 meters tall. This tank will […]

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