Student Names in English

It’s common in many classrooms for teachers to give English names to their students. The students often find this fun and it also helps the teacher remember the names of their students. However, it is not as easy as it seems and there can be issues caused by simple misunderstandings […]

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Student Age Groups in TEFL

When it comes to the age of different students in TEFL, there are no set definitions which all teachers agree on. However, generally speaking, we can talk about the following general Student Age Groups in TEFL: Young Learners These are students aged from just a few years old to about […]

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Storytelling in your TEFL Class

Storytelling is an ancient art that developed alongside the development of language and it is one of the earliest forms of folkart. The story can be of a real event or it can be made up. Storytelling has been used over the millennia not only as a means of entertainment […]

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Stage Fright – Overcoming Teaching Nerves

All performers – and teachers when they stand in front of a class are performers – feel stage fright when they begin. However, experienced performers (including teachers) channel that fright into performing energy. Fight your fears and the rewards will soon outweigh the anxiety and you’ll begin to relax enough […]

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Skimming and Scanning in TEFL

Skimming and Scanning are two skills which are often talked about in TEFL when it comes to reading. In fact, some teachers swear by them; every reading lesson (they maintain) should include practice with these skills because they feel their students will benefit enormously from knowing how to skim and […]

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