Bending Over Backwards

This common phrase doesn’t usually have much to do with a person physically bending over. The phrase is used to describe someone who is doing everything possible for a person or a situation. For Example: “He does everything he can for his girlfriend. He really bends over backwards for her.”

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Butterflies In The Stomach

The concept is based on how someone’s stomach might feel when they are nervous. For Example: The feeling is conceptually similar to having butterflies flying around. This can be used in the following way: “She is the star of the show, so she has butterflies in her stomach.”

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A Little Bird Told Me

It is used when you want to tell someone something, but don’t want to tell them how you found out about it. For Example: Jon tells Sally that his company is doing really well. Sally tells her friend Joan to buy stock in the company. When Joan asks how Sally […]

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Life In The Fast Lane

It is a way of saying that someone is living bravely and doing what they truly want to, sometimes indulgently. For Example: The phrase is usually used in the following manner: “He (or she) is living life in the fast lane.” This usually has little to do with driving, as […]

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A Big Fish In A Small Pond

The meaning of this English phrase is different than it may sound. The phrase is actually a way of saying that someone is content to have a lot of influence in a relatively small group of people or place. For Example: This phrase can be used to describe someone who […]

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