The Story Telling Stick

The Story Telling Stick is a simple activity which you can use in your TEFL class to develop a story and get the whole class talking and listening. It’s ideal for lower-intermediate level and upwards and can be used with both smaller and larger classes. Background Traditionally some Native American […]

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The Price is Right – TEFL Activity

The Price is Right is a popular television game which can be adapted for the EFL classroom. It’s ideal for a class who are learning numbers and simple objects. Preparation Get some flashcards and on each one have an everyday object; on the reverse put the price in local currency. […]

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The Grammar Wheel of Fortune

Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of speech: verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Each part of speech explains not what the word is, but how the word is used. In fact, the same word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb […]

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The Goodies’ Bag

This is a “show and tell” activity for the TEFL teacher who wants to encourage young learners to produce language in a natural way and create a more spontaneous response than the traditional “repeat after me” approach. How it works Take a large cloth bag (a black bin liner will […]

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The ESL Art Activity

The ESL Art Activity is a simple classroom game for practicing prepositions, vocabulary, and speaking at all different levels and for all different classes. Essentially what you are doing is describing a picture to your class and having them reproduce it. The key here is choosing the right picture for […]

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