Q & A Ice Breaker

Q & A Ice Breaker is an activity designed for a new class so that the students get to know each other and you, the teacher, can begin to understand the level and interests of your students. There are a number of different ways you can use this activity. Essentially […]

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Proverb Match

Proverb Match is a nice, simple way of practicing proverbs. It also allows for plenty of speaking practice. Preparation You will need to prepare a list of proverbs; each one needs to be written on two cards. Too many cooks spoil the broth. A stitch in time saves nine. A […]

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Pronunciation Whispers – Pronunciation Activity

Pronunciation Whispers is a quick and effective variation on the Chinese Whispers/Telephone game where students pass a message along a line to practice pronunciation. Pre-Teaching First, identify a pronunciation issue with your class. This will depend on their background and level, but for example the class may have difficulties with […]

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Pronunciation Snake – TEFL Activity

Pronunciation Snake is a simple game you can use to have your students practice particular pronunciations. It’s especially good for those problems that a particular class might have in similar sounds. It can be used with both words and single sounds. For example, some students find it difficult to distinguish […]

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PoS Swap‏‎ – Parts of Speech Activity

PoS Swap is an activity to practice different parts of speech. For TEFL teachers it’s well worth using as it requires little or no preparation and can be used any time there’s a slight uncertainty amongst the students over a particular PoS. Running the Activity Write up on the board […]

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