Lyric Lineup – Listening Activity

Lyric Lineup is a fun game for young learners. It’s useful to practice listening‏‎ in TEFL. Preparation First choose a song suitable for the class. This means it needs to be the correct level‏‎ in terms of vocabulary and grammar and also suitable subject matter. For younger learners you can […]

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Living Sentences

Living Sentences is a fun exercise for younger children to give them practice in the way sentences are put together. Preparation On A4 sheets of paper write single words which will go to make up sentences which are an appropriate level for your class. THE – DOG – CHASED – […]

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Lip Reading

Lip Reading is a fun activity which can be used with all ages and class levels. On the one hand it teaches the “speaker” to carefully pronounce words and on the other it helps the “listener” in predicting what is going to be said. Both these skills are useful when […]

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Lining Up

Lining Up in Alphabetical Order is a great ice breaker for a brand new class who don’t know each other yet. It’s best with younger classes, post-beginner level and, as a side-effect, it can also help you in remembering student names‏‎. Five minutes into the first lesson, simply ask your […]

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Lineups is a simple concept which can be used in many different ways. They are useful as an icebreaker activity so the class can get to know each other, but also to help practice certain language items. Finally, they are useful for a quick 5-minute activity at the end of […]

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