Good News, Bad News

Good News, Bad News is a simple game you can play with almost any level of class. It’s useful to practice both listening and speaking. Students need to listen carefully to what was said before and prepare their own ideas as well. With your class, go through the concept of […]

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Giving Directions

Giving Directions is an activity to practice giving and receiving directions around town. It’s simple to set up and involves practice in speaking and listening. Preparation You will need a town plan (or section of a town) for the class. With beginner classes the plan can be very simple but […]

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Fortune Telling‏‎ – Verb Forms Activity

Fortune Telling is a fun way for your class to practice using future‏‎ verb forms: will, be going to and suchlike. It is probably best with intermediate or above although you can adjust the level as appropriate. It is also a useful speaking‏‎ activity. The basic idea is that the […]

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First TEFL Lesson Interview

First TEFL Lesson Interview is a good activity for a 1-to-1‏‎ lesson to break the ice and get to know your student. It can also be adapted for larger classes. Quite simply, either before the lesson if you have the chance, or during the first few minutes of the lesson, […]

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How to Play Bingo

Bingo is a fun game of chance that anyone can play. The game is played on a scorecard that’s made up of 25 squares — if you get 5 squares in a row, you win!   Setting up Bingo Get at least 1 scorecard for each player. Bingo scorecards have […]

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