Can You Do My Job?‏‎ – Modal Verb Activity

Can You Do My Job? is a simple game which allows your Business English‏‎ students to practice modal verb constructions. As with all activities, you should introduce this to your class in stages. What do you do? Using simple declarative sentences, write on the board a few statements about what […]

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Busy People – Past Continuous‏‎ Activity

This is a simple way of Teaching and Practicing the Past Continuous‏‎. I’ve used it several times with my (small) classes and it provides a method of practice where students can see the use of the past continuous‏‎. Preparation Prepare a large sheet of paper; in the middle draw (or […]

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Building Diagrams

Building Diagrams is an activity to help students with reading comprehension‏‎ and speaking‏‎. It can be run in a similar way to jigsaw reading‏‎ in that groups of students come together to pool their knowledge to build a diagram. Basically the students are given a series of written statements which […]

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Brief Reminders

Brief Reminders is an Ice Breaker activity ideal for a first class. It requires little or no preparation and can be great fun. This is probably more suited to an intermediate and above level class. Demonstration On the board simply draw a large bag shape. Ask the class what it […]

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Brain Teasers‏‎ in the TEFL Classroom

Brain Teasers are ideal classroom activities and can be used in loads of different ways. They’re easy to adapt and you can tweak them to be just right for your TEFL class. Basically a brain teaser is a puzzle where your students have to think to find the solution. There’s […]

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