Blind Artists

Blind Artists is a fun (and noisy) way to get the class talking. It’s good as a short activity at the end of a lesson or as a longer activity. Props Two blindfolds; ideal are the masks from long-haul airplane journeys but a scarf will do. Blackboard and 2 markers. […]

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Big Sentence Scramble

Big Sentence Scramble is based on the British television game, Countdown. In the original version contestants choose letters (consonants or vowels) and have to come up with the longest word they can. Although that’s a possibility too, in this version contestants choose words and have to come up with the […]

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Banana is a fun activity for young learners (and even above!) to help practice asking and answering questions‏‎. It needs no preparation and is easy to run. Pre-Teaching With your class, go over how to ask and answer questions. These can be as simple as you like but should be […]

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Badger vs Baboon‏‎ – Comparison Activity

Badger vs Baboon is a fun game for young learners which can also be adapted for older learners as well! It helps with basic vocabulary‏‎ for animals and can encourage speaking‏‎. It also is very useful indeed for practicing comparatives‏‎. Preparation Cut out and prepare a selection of flashcards‏‎ with […]

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Backward Spelling

Backward Spelling is a simple filler activity you can play at the end of your class for a few minutes before the lesson ends. It helps with concentrated listening‏‎, vocabulary‏‎ and spelling. Simply choose a word which the class will know and begin – slowly – to spell it backwards. […]

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