Old Fashioned Teachers & Music

Most teachers are old in comparison to their students. And because most teachers choose materials for their class, this often means that the materials they use are old. And by old, I mean stuck in the past and out of date. When a TEFL teacher decides to use music in […]

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Lesson Preparation Tip – Delegating Tasks

Here’s a quick tip which serves two purposes: less work for you, more English practice for the students. Here we’re talking about TEFL lesson preparation, but the same idea applies during the lesson itself for many tasks. It’s well worth adopting this general approach to your teaching as we’re sure […]

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How To Use Competition to Motivate Your TEFL Students

Today we have a guest contribution from Victoria Hughes, which is perhaps the best name for a blog we have come across! Victoria has been a TEFL teacher for 5 years and has lived in Poland, China and Turkey. She writes about job hunting, lesson planning and the joys and […]

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Example Lesson Plan

This is an Example TEFL Lesson Plan which illustrates some of the ideas presented in the article on TEFL Lesson Planning‏‎. It will give you a good idea of how to approach the subject and lay out your plan. Obviously what we show here will need to be tweaked and […]

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A First Private TEFL Lesson

You’ve been asked to give a private TEFL lesson to a new student. You know virtually nothing about them but you know you’ll be sitting in a room with them, one on one, for an hour and half. This article is all about how to prepare for a First Private […]

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