Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? Lyrics and Actions

Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? Lyrics and Actions Key Gestures: Yes, I do – Thumbs up and nod your head “yes.” No, I don’t – Thumbs down and shake your head “no.” ♫ Do you like spaghetti? [Pretend to twirl spaghetti on a fork.] Yes, I do! [Yes gesture.] Do […]

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Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? Lyrics and Actions

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? Lyrics and Actions Key Gestures: Yes, I do – Thumbs up and nod your head “yes.” No, I don’t – Thumbs down and shake your head “no.” ♫ Do you like broccoli? Yes, I do! [Yes gesture.] Do you like ice cream? [Pretend to […]

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Old McDonald (Play With It) Lyrics and Actions

Old McDonald (Play With It) Lyrics and Actions Key Gestures: Farmer – Pretend to hold on to your overall straps. Cow – Pretend to milk a cow. Horse – Use the ASL sign. Place your thumb on your right temple and bend your index and middle fingers up and down. […]

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Old McDonald (Learn It) Lyrics and Actions

Old McDonald (Learn It) Lyrics and Actions Key Gestures: Farmer – Pretend to hold on to your overall straps. Cow – Pretend to milk a cow. Horse – Use the ASL sign. Place your thumb on your right temple and bend your index and middle fingers up and down. Pig […]

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Rain Rain Go Away (Play With It) Lyrics and Actions

Rain Rain Go Away (Play With It) Lyrics and Actions ♫ Rain, rain, [Move your fingers down like falling rain.] go away. [Push your hands out, as if you were pushing the rain away.] Come again another day. [Make a “come here” motion with your hands.] DADDY wants to play. […]

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