Longest Word in English

The identity of the longest word in English depends upon the definition of what constitutes a word in the English language, as well as how length should be compared. In addition to words derived naturally from the language’s roots (without any known intentional invention), English allows new words to be […]

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Your Mother Tongue (MT)

Your Mother Tongue (or MT) is the language you learn and speak as a child. It is sometimes known as First Language (FL), Native Language (NL) or Arterial Language (AL). Note that it is NOT always the language spoken by your mother! It is usually the language learned in the […]

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What is Phonetics‏‎?

Phonetics is the branch of linguistics‏‎ which studies the sounds of speech and they way in which they are interpreted. Contrast this with phonology‏‎ which is the study of the sound system of a language. Phonetics looks at the way in which sounds are produced (the position of the tongue, […]

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What is Morphology‏‎?

Simply put, Morphology is the study of the words in a language. It does go deeper, but generally speaking it studies and looks at language in terms of: spelling pronunciation definition part of speech etymology (and obsolete usages) non-standard or slang/taboo usage Importantly morphology looks at the way in which […]

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What is Linguistics?

Linguistics is the scientific and academic study of language. It tries to answer basic questions such as What is language? How is language represented in the mind? How does language work? The underlying goal of linguists is to discover the underlying rules of all languages; that is, the common elements […]

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