Dialog vs. Dialogue

This article is about Dialog vs. Dialogue — enjoy your reading! “Dialogue” is an alternate spelling of “dialog,” which means ‘a conversation between two or more people’ or ‘the exchange of ideas.’ I wrote a dialogue between a customer and a shopkeeper. I wrote a dialog between a customer and […]

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A list of pronouns, plus definitions for each type of pronoun. Scroll to the end for a full pronouns list. What is a pronoun? Pronouns are some of the most useful words in the English language. They are used in the place of a noun to avoid it having to […]

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What is a Clause?

We all know what a sentence is. But it’s useful to break a sentence down and talk about Clauses as well when you’re teaching English. These are, essentially, the building blocks of sentences and each sentence contains one or more clauses. a sentence = one or more clauses Think of […]

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Verb Voice in English Grammar

Verbs‏‎ have a property known as Voice which allows you to show the relationship between the verb and the subject and object‏‎ in the sentence‏‎. If a verb is in the Active Voice then it shows the subject performing an action: the subject does something If, however, a verb is […]

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Utterances in English

An Utterance is the spoken equivalent to a sentence‏‎. As a sentence is bounded by a capital letter‎ and a period or full stop (or other punctuation‏‎) so an utterance is often (though not always) bounded by silence or a breath or pause. Having said this, there is no precise […]

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