The following commercial was apparently banned for the taboo language it used.
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This section contains articles about CALL – Computer Assisted Language Learning. From specific CALL activities, to information on CALL in general, to useful software available for the classroom. Finally there are articles slightly more general in nature about teachers and technology – using social media sites like Facebook, for example and the pitfalls for teachers.
If you are interested in CALL remember that we also run a unique CALL Certificate Course – the first of its kind – where you can learn the essentials of using CALL in your classroom.
Authoring is the term used to describe the ability to change the content in a CALL computer program. For example, some off-the-shelf CALL programs come supplied with a bank of questions in English. However, these may not quite be suitable for a class in terms of level and content. An […]
Audacity is a piece of freeware software which you can use to record audio. This can later be incorporated into a Podcast or used as a simple audio file for playing in class or mixing with other media. This article explains how to get the software, install it on your […]
AntConc is a freeware concordancer and is very useful for searching through large swathes of texts to look for patterns of usage and so on. As an example, the screenshot below shows a concordance search for the word, word. The program has searched through a number of corpora (collections of […]
The table below illustrates just some of the difficulties in understanding the subtleties of the English language. In this case it’s British English which, along with British manners, make the meanings of words said often nothing like the meaning of the words spoken!
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