The evil of commas: grammatical FAIL. This is a screenshot from 2012 US presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s website. In it he appears to be advocating that Americans hunt and shoot their own families. Why? We don’t know yet…
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This section contains articles about CALL – Computer Assisted Language Learning. From specific CALL activities, to information on CALL in general, to useful software available for the classroom. Finally there are articles slightly more general in nature about teachers and technology – using social media sites like Facebook, for example and the pitfalls for teachers.
If you are interested in CALL remember that we also run a unique CALL Certificate Course – the first of its kind – where you can learn the essentials of using CALL in your classroom.
The evil of commas: grammatical FAIL. This is a screenshot from 2012 US presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s website. In it he appears to be advocating that Americans hunt and shoot their own families. Why? We don’t know yet…
A Podcast is a series of audio or video files distributed over the internet (in the same way as a broadcast in traditional media). Podcasts can be accessed either live or transferred onto a local PC or iPod to access later. Podcasts in Education Podcasts can be integrated into your […]
MemoryLifter is a freeware program which displays flashcards. Although it’s not specifically for English, there are English modules and you can create your own set of materials for your students allowing them to study and learn the items appropriate for their level and needs. The program can use not only […]
Lingro is a useful online tool allowing language students (and teachers) to read a webpage with immediate access to dictionary definitions of unknown words. For example, this is a screen shot of a TWW page after a number of words have been clicked on using Lingro. In this case it […]
There are a number of programs and websites now which allow you to transcribe normal text into the IPA – International Phonetic Alphabet. These usually have options for for both British English and American English. Transcribing Text Essentially you type a text into the program, click a button and each […]
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