Imagine Being Born ...
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Imagine Being Born in 1900

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Imagine being born in 1900.
When you are 14 years old

World War I begins
and ends when you are 18,
with 22 million dead.

Shortly after the world pandemic,
flu called β€²β€² Spanish Flu",
killing 50 million people.

You go out alive and free,
and you are 20 years old.

Then at the age of 29 you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange causing inflation, unemployment and hunger.

Nazis come to power at 33.

You are 39 when world war 2. begins
and it ends when you are 45 during the Holocaust (Shoah), 6 million Jews die.
There will be a total of more than 60 million dead.

When your 52th Korean war begins.

When you are 64, the Vietnam war begins and ends when you are 75.

A baby born in 1985 believes his grandparents have no idea how hard life is,
and survived several wars and disasters.

A boy born in 1995 and 25 today believes that the end of the world when his Amazon package takes more than three days to arrive or if he doesn't exceed 15 likes for his posted photo on Facebook or Instagram...
In 2020., many of us live in comfort, have access to various sources of entertainment at home and often have more than needed.

But people complain about everything.

They have electricity, phone, food, hot water and a roof over their heads.

None of this existed.

But humanity survived much more serious circumstances and never lost the joy of life.

Maybe it's time to be less selfish, stop whining and crying 👍