Writing Prompts is a simple idea to help your TEFL students develop their writing skills and stimulate ideas and discussions.
It can work with almost any age or level of class and is very flexible.
Sample Writing Prompts:
Prompt: The milk you drank for breakfast this morning turned out to be a magic potion. After you took one sip, you became invisible. Is that a fun thing or a terrible thing? What are you going to do today, now that no one can see you?
Prompt: When you got on the bus this morning, you discovered your bus driver was gone and the new bus driver was a dinosaur! Were you excited or scared?
This document contains the complete Writing Prompts Exercises.
Total Pages = 5 (Instant Download)
Format: PDF
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* Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system, or for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.
* Please have other teachers purchase their own copy.
* If you are a school or district interested in purchasing multiple licenses, please contact us for a volume discount quote.
* 1 Purchase = 1 License
Writing prompts are used to help writers begin writing. They provide inspiration for a story, poem, or essay. Many writers fight writer’s block on a regular basis, and a writing prompt can help them get past their block. If you are a teacher, or lead a writing workshop, you will most likely have to come up with many writing prompts. If you don’t know how to do this, don’t worry; writing your prompts doesn’t need to be difficult – you just need to think outside the box a little bit. Take some time to brainstorm ideas before diving into the actual writing of your prompts.
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