Stephen Krashen

Professor emeritus at the University of Southern California. Krashen is a linguist, an educational researcher, and an activist.

Krashen has contributed to the fields of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Bilingual Education, and Reading.

He is credited with introducing various influential concepts and terms in the study of second language acquisition, including the Acquisition – Learning Hypothesis, the Input Hypothesis, the Monitor Theory, the Affective Filter, and the Natural Order Hypothesis. All of which have had a huge impact on all areas of second language research and teaching since the 1970s.

Most recently, Krashen promotes the use of free voluntary reading during SLA, which he believes is the most powerful tool we have in both first and second language education.

Krashen was inducted into the International Reading Association’s Reading Hall of Fame in 2005. He is a member of the National Association for Bilingual Education and was elected to the NABE Executive Board in 2005.

Krashen has published well over 300 books and articles and has been invited to deliver more than 300 lectures at universities throughout the United States and abroad.

Amongst is most recent works is Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use.

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Posted in Linguistics, Teaching Materials.

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