They’re vs Their vs There

These three are often confused by learners of English:

  • they’re
  • their
  • there

These words are homophones‏‎ (that is, they sound the same) but with very different meanings.

This article looks at the differences between these three and then how to teach them to your class.



they’re = they are

They’re here now.

What color are they?
They’re blue.


their is a possessive adjective:‏‎

Where did they park their cars?

Simon lost his wallet. Paul lost his wallet as well.
Simon and Paul lost their wallets.

And with an -s on the end, their becomes a possessive pronoun:

theirs = their + noun

Who does this money belong to?
It’s their money. It’s theirs.


there can refer to a place:

Where is the dog?
It’s over there.

there can also be used to talk about the number of people or things in a group:

There are eleven players in a football team.

There is one biscuit left.

Differences & How to Teach Them

There is no simple way to teach the difference between these 3 terms; the truth is that your students simply need to learn how to write them. This means taking their time and thinking before they write.

However, there are a couple of tips which may help when they do stop and think.

  • Take away the apostrophe; after you’ve written they’re, say in your head the full phrase they are and see if it still works in the sentence‏‎.
  • Not sure if their is the right word to use? Try substituting our instead; if the sentence still works then it’s ok to use their.
  • Talking about places: think of here and there – just one letter difference.
Posted in English Usage.

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